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Python full stack

IPCS Global offers the best Python-Data Science training in Kochi. With real-time expertise and a sophisticated curriculum, we are among the best Python training institutes in Kochi. Choosing a career in data science and Python in 2024 is a wise choice. Python offers a multitude of potential, ranging from AI to web development, thanks to its simplicity and versatility. Data science is still at the forefront of technology, transforming data into insightful knowledge. Gaining these abilities guarantees a highly sought-after skill set and provides a stimulating and fulfilling career path as the world becomes more and more data- driven. We provide 100% placement assistance.

Course Offered

Django framework

Django is a Python web framework that facilitates web development by providing tools and frameworks for quickly and efficiently building web applications. It handles a variety of tasks, freeing developers to write application logic rather than boilerplate, such as form handling, database administration, URL routing, authentication, and more.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) describes computer programs that are capable of carrying out operations that normally require human intelligence, like language comprehension, pattern recognition, and decision-making. Technology like machine learning, which enables computers to learn from data and get better over time, is included.

Data Science

Data science involves using data to solve problems and make decisions.It entails gathering information, examining it to look for trends or insights, and then applying the results to forecast or suggest actions. Data scientists work with data to extract useful information using methods like statistics, machine learning, and data visualization.

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